Sortie du debut album de Fall Of Minerva (Italie)
News postée le : 29 février 2016

communiqué de presse.
Le 25/03/2016 sortira le debut album du group post-hardcore Fall of Minerva (Italie), produit par OverDrive Rec (Italie).
Le format digital sera distribué par Basick Records (Uk) et le format physique sortira par differénts labels européennes et russes (sort le 27/03/2016).

Fall of Minerva (Italy) got together in late 2011 and released their first EP “Fall of Minerva” which, alongside the release of the video for “Sievert”, gave the band extensive exposure, as well as the chance to intensely tour Italy. In October 2013 the band released their second EP "Seasons", followed by a Russian and two European tours to promote it and by their second video for the song "The Lingering Agony Of An Exhausted Soul”. Fall Of Minerva has shared the stage with international bands such as Defeater, This Will Destroy You.

Lien : http://www.facebook.com/fallofminerva?fref=ts | E-mail : wearefallofminerva@gmail.com
''Beyond the Pines'' videoclip, anticipates the release