nouvelle video
News postée le : 14 mai 2010

"Mater Tenebrarum", la nouvelle video des italiens de  NECRODEATH, est visible ci apres. Le titre provient de "Old Skull".

"Old Skull" track listing:

01. Mater Tenebrarum (NECRODEATH 2010)
02. Black Magic (SLAYER)
03. Raise the Dead (BATHORY)
04. Pleasure to Kill (KREATOR)
05. Paranoid (BLACK SABBATH)
06. Sodomy and Lust (SODOM)
07. Bloodlust (VENOM)
08. Ace of Spades (MOTORHEAD)
09. Am I Evil? (DIAMOND HEAD)
10. Mater Tenebrarum (NECRODEATH 1985)